Week:10 Nomination

I’m nominating Brenna P’s blog. I’m nominating Brenna’s blog because it has great blogs she has cool links and she basically writes about cool stuff. Here’s a link to her blog- http://breanapeportfolio.blogspot.ca/?utm_campaign=Listly&utm_medium=list&utm_source=listly Hope you enjoy her blog!

Week:10 Nomination

I’m nominating Brenna P’s blog. I’m nominating Brenna’s blog because it has great blogs she has cool links and she basically writes about cool stuff. Here’s a link to her blog- http://breanapeportfolio.blogspot.ca/?utm_campaign=Listly&utm_medium=list&utm_source=listly Hope you enjoy her blog!

Week 9: Doing my best

A global issue I would like to solve. I would like to solve world hunger I would like to solve world hunger because food is delicious and most importantly it’s very sad to know that in many different countries around the world people are staving have nothing to eat maybe just maybe one meal a day. It’s a bless and a gift that we have food every day because in the future you never know. So enjoy the gifts you have now like food or wealth so maybe we aren’t millionaires but at least we have something. And that’s why I want to end world hunger. Hope you enjoyed.